Rammus is a tanky champion that does well in the jungle or a support role. His skill set makes him one of the most resilient tanks in League of Legends. In this article, we discuss how to effectively counter Rammus.
Best Rammus Counters
- Trundle
- Rek’Sai
- Soraka
- Vi
- Morgana
- Shyvana
Rammus Counter Picks
Now that you know who counters Rammus, you can finally counter pick Rammus in any matchup. Let’s take you through some tips on how to use a few of these champions who are counters to Rammus. After, there is a general section explaining how to use any LoL champion as counters for Rammus. After all, if you know how to play against Rammus, you can play safely and effectively to defeat Rammus in a lane.
As Trundle, wait till Rammus uses his W and then ult him. You will steal a huge amount of resistances and become near unkillable.
Rammus is a poor duelist and Vi is a good duelist, his jungle clear is also very slow compared to Vi’s jungle clear and he tends to spend lots of time ganking other lanes most of the time.
Vi’s W pierces armor. Rammus’ kit is based on building armor and forcing his target to auto attack him. Also if you find him rolling towards your team to engage, try to get in front of him with a Q. This hard counters his engage.
Tips For Playing Against Rammus
- Try not to target Rammus if he has his Defensive Curl on – as he will take much less damage, and he’ll also return some damage back to you.
- Try to stand amongst creeps to avoid getting knocked-back by Rammus’s Powerball.
- Most Rammus players build heavy armor. This will make him vulnerable to AP damage.
- Taking cleanse or buying a Quicksilver Sash will let you immediately cure Rammus’ taunt.
- Remember that Rammus’ ultimate does area of effect damage and a lot of it. Be sure to get out of range when he uses it.
- Be careful when attacking while his is active. The damage you deal may be your own undoing, especially if you are a basic attack based champion such as , , or .
- Try to purchase Tenacity items early to reduce the duration of his taunt from his .
- A champion like who has natural Tenacity can be useful against due to the large number of allies he usually has with him whenever he engages.
- Be careful, for even with fully-stacked- levels of tenacity, will last for up to over a second.
- Try casting a slow or stun when he uses so that way cannot initiate with his full combo by using , and straight after hitting a target with .
- Be aware that crowd control abilities will not stop snare him in place, allowing you to potentially dodge the attack. while it is active, but will slow/stun/
- is an excellent COUNTER TO ALL AD CARRIES due to his and tendency to build high armor. It is wise to have a mage or a hybrid champion (e.g. or ) take him down.
- Building armor penetration items like
- is especially effective against , as it reduces his armor, thus reducing the AD he gains from his passive and the bonus damage from his .
- Due to his taunt, it may not be a good idea to duel him as a mage unless you can kite him.
and will reduce the effectiveness of his armor, allowing you to deal more damage to him.
- If is building AP don’t let your guard down, and have great AP ratios and low cooldowns.
- Although picking AP champions can make less effective by forcing him to build magic resistance in addition to armor, be wary of picking too many AP champions, as the enemy can pick champions like and to counter that.
- taunt, but it also has magic resistance to reduce the magic damage that does with his abilities. is an excellent item against . Not only this item get rid of his
- Apart from AP champions, AD champions who have abilities that deal magic or true damage, such as , , and can be good options against , as armor is a less effective option to deal with them.
- One of
- His jungle wave clear is also very slow as well, and he’ll most likely spend his time ganking lanes than farming. As such, farm-based junglers should have no problems against .
biggest strengths as a jungler is his strong ability to gank lanes thanks to his and . However, as with most tank junglers, he is an extremely poor duelist. Consider playing junglers that excel in counter-jungling and dueling such as , , , , , and .
By using the champions who counter Rammus and the LoL Rammus counter tips above, you can now develop a strategy to help you, as a summoner, become an effective counter to Rammus players.