Tips for Less Experienced People Using the Internet

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Discovering the internet for the first time is quite exciting. You get to enjoy the World Wide Web and all it has to offer. These days, the internet has become quite accessible throughout the world so you should not find problems joining a network even if you are traveling.

Moreover, it is not just computers that allow you to surf the net. No, you can also do that on smartphones, tablets, and some other digital devices.

Having said that, less experienced internet users might be looking to get even more out of the internet. For that, there are a few tips that we would like to present in this article.

Router Optimization

On the surface, routers might not seem like an important element when using the internet, particularly if you are not tech-savvy. People who are not good with tech will not bother tinkering with their routers, though it is recommended to know at least some basics so that you can troubleshoot potential problems.

For example, knowing how to access router settings mac has is one of the things to know if you use a MacBook. In some instances, there might be issues with a wireless connection.

Online Safety

You will struggle to enjoy the internet if you are not taking the necessary privacy and security measures. Start with antivirus software on your device and have it run in the background so that it can detect and deal with potential threats.

Next, avoid connecting to public networks. In case you have no choice but to join Wi-Fi in a library, hotel, cafe, or another public location, do so via a VPN so that your data gets encrypted.

In case you receive questionable URLs or shady files, ignore them. The odds are that clicking on these might infect your computer or smartphone with a virus, and having antivirus software does not guarantee that you will be safe.


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Bookmarking is a good piece of advice. Get in the habit of saving pages you want to visit later by bookmarking them.

Bookmarks help in case you forget a website’s name. It is also easier to click on a bookmark instead of typing a website’s URL, and it saves you time. 

Keep in mind, though, that if you bookmark too many sites, managing them might be too difficult, so be sure to create separate folders and arrange bookmarks in relevant categories.

Streaming Platforms

Streaming platforms are great because you can watch movies and TV shows on the go. If you like music, you should also check out Spotify. YouTube is also worth a shout, though it is not a streaming platform but rather a website to watch videos.

There should also be services that allow you to watch live sports, highlights, as well as other content you enjoy.

The bottom line is that having an internet connection gives you access to a plethora of media and you should make the most out of it when you have the time or want to relax.

Different Browsers

macOS comes with Safari, while Windows uses Edge as the default internet browser. The question is whether you should stick to these browsers or seek an alternative.

Overall, the idea of using default browsers should be quite prominent. After all, default applications are tailor-made for an operating system, and it makes sense that a browser should function properly.

Nevertheless, many users find default internet browsers to be lacking in various aspects. From features and resource consumption to privacy and regular updates, certain browsers leave a lot to be desired.

Since most internet browsers are free to use, you should try them for yourself and see how your overall experience is. Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi, and TOR are some of the most popular options to consider as far as internet browsers go. 

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions can make the overall internet experience better, but before you rush to install all the extensions you find useful, remember that you should be moderate about their number. Cluttering the browser with too many extensions will slow it down.

Now, as for what extensions you can or should get, it depends on your needs. There are a couple universally acknowledged extensions, though.

First of all, ad blockers. Not having to deal with annoying internet advertisements is great, and it is recommended to get at least one or two ad blocker extensions on your browser. Next, you have Grammarly that helps you with typos and other mistakes in your writing.

If you like, you can also download dark theme extensions for websites that do not have the feature built-in.

Browser Shortcuts

Knowing relevant keyboard shortcuts while using a computer is key for efficiency. Internet browsers also have quite a few shortcuts that come in handy. 

For example, F5 refreshes the page, while Alt + Home returns you to a website’s home page. F11 enables and disables the full-screen mode, and Ctrl + N opens a new tab.

Of course, you can also find some online websites that have their own keyboard shortcuts, but whether learning is worth it or not comes down to your choice.

Search Engines

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The last bit of advice is quite simple. Whenever you encounter a problem while using the internet, you are likely to find a solution on Google or another search engine. In fact, search engines usually have answers to virtually any questions that you might have, so do not forget to use them.

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