How To Counter Caitlyn: Caitlyn is an ADC champion in League of Legends. She has one of the longest ranges in the game which makes her an effective “poker”. Caitlyn summoners typically play her bottom lane as an ADC carry. In this article, we discuss some tips and tricks to help you counter Caitlyn and which champions are effective Caitlyn counters.

How Caitlyn Works
How To Counter Caitlyn: Champions

- Sivir’s Spell Shield is really easy to use against Caitlyn, you can use it against all of her moves especially her traps.
- Her Q and ultimate both have a short animation before they fire off. This makes it even easier to use your Spell Shield when she targets you with her abilities.
- However, although her traps are a good source of mana, know that using your E to disable them makes it very obvious when you are vulnerable to an initiation.
In the early game, Caitlyn out damages and out ranges Tristana. However, during late laning phase, try to trade with her because of your scaling range. Try not to engage early. Communicate with your support and wait for the right time!
Braum’s Unbreakable is very useful against Caitlyn. It blocks her Q, E, or R. Also use your Unbreakable to block Caitlyn’s auto attack damage (passive). You can tell when she’s about to use her damaging spell or passive as there’s an animation (rather slow) before each.

Tips & Tricks For Playing Against Caitlyn
- When laning against Caitlyn, be sure to stay behind minions so her Piltover Peacemaker (Q) does less damage.
- Her ultimate, though it has a long range, is easily blocked by other champions on your team. Always try to stand behind an ally with more health/defenses that you if she targets you with her R.
- Her net (E) can be interrupted by an instant stun, knock-up, or a displacement ability. Use this to prevent her escape or her slowing you and performing her E auto-attack Q combo.
- Her Yordle Snap Trap (W) takes time to set up after placed. Hence, you can run over it the instant she places one.
- When Caitlyn’s E is on cooldown, she has no means of escape (outside of Flash). Take advantage of this and hard engage her.
- When using Zonya’s to negate the effects of her ultimate, if possible use Zhonya only AFTER Caitlyn has shot the bullet. Using Zhonya beforehand will only put her ultimate on a short CD, while after the shot is fired her ultimate will go on a full CD.
- Don’t try and fight her in bushes, as it allows her to get more headshot procs off.
- Piltover Peacemaker has a channel time. Use this information to avoid it.

You now know some of the easiest ways to counter Caitlyn. Use the tips and tricks above to come up with an effective strategy to defeat her in any lane. It’s easier to do so with Champions that are good Caitlyn counters. However, you can out-play her with any Champion if you put your mind to it.
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