Vayne is an ADC champion that also does well in top lane. She can be very mobile and effective against champions that stack health. In this article, we discuss how to effectively counter Vayne.
Best Vayne Counters
- Caitlyn
- Quinn
- Draven
- Tristana
- Ashe
- Corki

Arclight Vayne
Vayne Counter Picks
Now that you know who counters Vayne, you can finally counter pick Vayne in any matchup. Let’s take you through some tips on how to use a few of these champions who are counters to Vayne. After, there is a general section explaining how to use any LoL champion as counters for Vayne. After all, if you know how to play against Vayne, you can play safely and effectively to defeat Vayne in a lane.
- You can poke her every time she wants to kill the minions. Use bushes to stack your passive.
- Casting your ultimate onto Vayne before she stealths will reveal her, thus allowing your team to collapse onto her if she is trying to make an escape. Be sure you know where Vayne is in the mid and late game and keep bushes trapped or warded.
Use your E to disrupt her so she can’t tumble all around you, and use the slow to land a perfect Whirling Death, hitting both times. Your damage is simply higher, but she can outplay you. So try your best to not let that happen.
Feel free to take advantage in the lane with your vastly superior range and an assortment of slows and lockdowns.

Soulstealer Vayne
Tips For Playing Against Vayne
- Try not to stay near walls, as Vayne’s Condemn will stun you if it knocks you back against a wall.
- If you’re ADC against Vayne. Try to go for early pokes as she gets stronger at level 6. Play aggressive before 6.
- If Vayne is in a lane with a support with high CC (Blitzcrank, Alistar, Thresh etc.) ask your support to ward the bushes because if they CC you Vayne will “E” you into the wall and that is “kill secure”… Be careful against Vayne even if you counter her.
- Upgrade the Sweeper Trinket as quickly as possible, and you can reveal her for 8 seconds every 60 seconds as she goes invisible during tumble and her ult.
- Stop her from CSing as much as possible, ask your jungle to gank quite often. If you get early kills on her and hold off from taking her turret as long as possible (as long as your team doesn’t need to start grouping) it will be hard for her to catch up.
- While playing support against Vayne, always try and pick Exhaust to counter her. And when you reach level 9, upgrade your red trinket. That will give you an advantage over her ultimate.
- Choosing someone such as or who has strong early games can easily deny from farming as has a relatively weak early game. Avoid pushing the lane as makes her an exceptional farmer under turret, and has strong chasing potential.
- Once obtains at level 6, her dueling potential increases exponentially and she essentially spikes to her mid-game potentially immediately before most other Attack Damage Carries. The Attack Damage and movement speed boosts are huge given how early in the game it is and stealth detection is much harder to afford earlier on. Respect her presence at level 6 if you haven’t pulled a significant advantage over her and avoid dueling her if possible.
entire kit is focused on dueling and chasing, so deny her the potential to duel with you and her kit will naturally round out late-game when team fights become dominant, where the fights become more stationary and targets become harder to focus.
- Marksmen are usually easy prey to one-burst-wonder assassins, especially
- and also shut down mobility and make her an easy target to focus.
kit provides extreme stealth detection and shuts down mobility. With the correct build, Lee Sin can usually one-shot Vayne late game.
and . is by far not in this category, her ability to carefully move around the battlefield, drain-tank while evading attacks with stealth from and bursting/peeling with makes her complicated to kill by surgical, tactical and careful assassins as she can often prevent their abilities to properly flow for a combo.
is one of the most powerful duelists in the game and is well known and feared as one of the most powerful marksmen if/when she reaches full build. It is critical to keep her early and mid game crippled.
- Marksmen are usually easy prey to one-burst-wonder assassins, especially
- Her
- tends to stack armor to synergize with his and his has a cast and AoE range that outrange and . relatively high movement speed from and also become her undoing thanks to movement speed steal.
procs rely on her attack speed. Champions with attack speed slows such as and can mitigate auto attack and damage significantly along with having kits that counteract extremely well.
- is especially useful against as one proc of slow will cripple her true damage and mobility. Because relies on her mobility in order to survive in team fights due to her short range, the movement speed slow will make her an easy target to focus. As such, even building an early will have noticeable effects against her. Come mid-late game, Randuin’s crit reduction will reduce Vayne’s damage output even further as critical strikes are an important part of her damage.
is extremely detrimental to because the armor portion of the item counters her lack of magic damage and the long-ranged -15% attack speed aura is practically unavoidable in team fights. This item is arguably a better option in dealing with , as it does not provide HP, thus making less effective.
- do not account for shields when calculating the percent of maximum HP so abilities such as and are extremely strong against her.
- The same case goes for lifesteal and high health regeneration; if the target’s life bar isn’t noticeably large but is constantly renewed from either high lifesteal or abilities such as , the damage from becomes significantly less noticeable.
- Battling her only in team fights forces her to switch targets, resulting in fewer procs.
- can completely shutdown true damage output with the help of , especially by surprising her with . This is even more useful if is recently used due to its fairly long cooldown.
is not that hard to counteract contrary to popular belief.
- Her
- Mages with targeted burst damage/crowd controls such as
- is especially effective because is a core item in his build and his shuts down mobility and , which also shuts down her stealth when is active.
or can easily dispatch Vayne as her mobility and are primarily anti-skillshot oriented. Targeted abilities that apply targeted hard crowd control such as and prevents Vayne from retaliating with her mobility and lifesteal resulting in an easy kill.
- It’s recommended not to fight in the jungle as there are more walls for her to stun with .
- Taking a with you is useful against as her stealth will be useless, shutting down her primary method of reaching squishier targets of interest. also helps detect Vayne albeit to a lesser extent.
- can be a very powerful top laner against tanks, so when you see your enemy pick , especially if the enemy team has already selected another marksman, ask your jungler to pick a tank just in case she decides to go top so you can pick a damage top laner who can fare against or even kill Vayne.

Dragonslayer Vayne
By using the champions who counter Vayne and the LoL Vayne counter tips above, you can now develop a strategy to help you, as a summoner, become an effective counter to Vayne players.