Zed is the first ninja in 200 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways. In this article, we go through how to effectively counter Zed on Summoner’s Rift.
Best Zed Counters
- Kayle
- Jax
- Lissandra
- Irelia
- Malzahar

Championship Zed
Zed Counter Picks
Now that you know who counters Zed, you can finally counter pick Zed in any matchup. Let’s take you through some tips on how to use a few of these champions who are counters to Zed. After, there is a general section explaining how to use any LoL champion as counters for Zed. After all, if you know how to play against Zed, you can play safely and effectively to defeat Zed in a lane.
Kayle is strong against Zed because she counters him at all stages; laning, mid game, and late game. Her ultimate completely negates Zed’s Ultimate but you must time it to block the damage. Her ultimate is after 3sec, you should wait for 1.5 before ulting.
When Zed ults on to you, wait a half second and ult yourself so you hit him with the AoE and avoid all of the damage from his ult including the damage tick at the end of it. Don’t use it on him since the 1.5second stun is not long enough.
You can bait Zed extremely hard with this cool trick. If you are lowish on health, enough for him to immediately jump on you, fire your E back into your tower and move towards him to bait it then reactivate the E as he ults, bringing him into the tower.
Save your W in case he ever tries to jump on you, it isn’t worth using it for wave clear against him since he will use it as an opportunity to attack you if you put it on cooldown.

Project Zed
Tips For Playing Against Zed
- After uses his and , he is at his most vulnerable as his damage and mobility are both dependent upon it.
- s deals less damage if they pass through other units before hitting your champion.
- Escaping laterally, rather than directly away, from when he uses will slightly limit his ability to slow and pursue your champion.
- Be aware of
- On that note, be very careful when tower hugging at low health, as he can easily kill you while only taking a minimal amount of damage from the tower.
‘s as he can use it to mimic and even when he is out of sight, giving him deceptively long range.
- Beware that with a full build,
- If you have any hard CC, try to save it for after activates (and if possible, ), as this will both reduce the time he has to combo the mark and give the marked champion a chance to escape.
- If you are an AP champion, purchasing can counter ; activate it just before it’s triggered to become completely immune to the damage. The armor also helps to reduce ‘s damage.
- If you are affected by and a SHURIKEN appears over your head, try to heal or shield, because that means that its damage is enough to kill you.
- Some champions can activate their own abilities when uses , to prevent him from dealing enough damage for the ultimate to kill because these abilities either CC or make his target untargetable or take reduced or no damage at all. Examples: Kayle’s , Tryndamere’s U , Fiddlesticks’ , Lissandra’s , Vi’s , Lulu’s , Warwick’s , Malzahar’s , and Vladimir’s .
can potentially duel even full tanks. However, he is extremely reliant on to do so; even against squishy targets, he relies on his ultimate to get a kill, as it’s his ultimate that deals the majority of his damage. He will most likely use all of his abilities and auto attack a lot to do as much damage as possible.
- is surprisingly dangerous, especially when assassinating low-health champions due to , so beware.

Shockblade Zed
By using the champions who counter Zed and the LoL Zed counter tips above, you can now develop a strategy to help you, as a summoner, become an effective counter to Zed players.