How To Counter Tristana: Tristana is an ADC champion that can also pass for a mage. Her most common role is bot lane as the attack damage carry. However, it is not uncommon to see summoners playing Tristana in mid lane. In this article, you learn ways to counter Tristana and how to select a champion that’s good against her.

How Tristan Works
How To Counter Tristana: Champions

- Draven’s damage output is superior to Tristana’s.
- With Draven’s E, you can interrupt Tristana’s W once you have good timing.
Whether mid lane or bottom lane, Corki’s Missile Barrage outranges her Rocket Jump and can hit her mid-cast. This makes her escape somewhat useless.
Or, push the minion wave early as she has a problem with farming under turret due to her E’s passive. Later on in the game, if she tries to trade, use your E-Q-R combo as you have much higher burst than her.
All 3 of Tristana’s spells have a noticeable cast animation including her high damage ultimate. This allows you to use Sivir’s E to avoid her damage when trading.
Play aggressively early game since she can’t trade with Lucian in the early stages of the game. Do a quick combo of Q auto attack W auto attack then dash back to safety with E.
Also, while dashing don’t forget to do another auto attack. Use this tactic to poke her/peel her health till you can easily take her out. It also prevents Trist from effectively farming (CS).

Tips & Tricks For Playing Against Tristana
If you want to know how to counter Tristana, without using a Champion that she is weak against, then use the following tips to formulate a plan.
- Avoid standing near low health creeps to not take additional damage from Tristana’s Explosive shots.
- You can interrupt Tristana’s jump with knock-ups and displacements (e.g. Blitz’s Powerfist or Rocket Grab).
- To deny Tristana farm, push the lane to her tower. Tristana has trouble with farming under the turret, because of Explosive Shot’s passive effect.
- Try to bait her to use her Rapid fire and then back off. It has a long cooldown so wasting it will give you an advantage.
- Avoid fighting Tristana after she places her Explosive Shot on you. Each successive auto will cause you to take more damage.

You now have some tips on how to counter Tristana. Use them to come up with an effective strategy to win against her in any lane.