RoadRunner Email is a Time Warner Cable Internet service. Back in the day, Time Warner’s broadband Internet access was known as RoadRunner high speed, hence the name of the email service. Most RoadRunner mail accounts often have an abbreviation of the city or region somewhere in the email addresses. However, as of 2012, the service has been rebranded as simply Time Warner Cable Internet.
Access to the email account is restricted to those who have Time Warner accounts and can be accessed online via webmail or through the use of an email client. Here’s where the Android email client comes into play. Users complain that the setup process is too difficult and default to setting up their email settings through Gmail. However, here’s how to correctly sync your account through the Android Email app.

RoadRunner Webmail Setup on Android Cell Phones
RoadRunner Email Settings: Incoming Server Settings
- Launch the Email app.
- Enter your Road Runner email address, then tap “Next”.
- Select “Personal (POP3)“, then tap “Next”.
- Type your RoadRunner password, then tap “Next”.
- Enter the following information for “Incoming server settings”:
- Username: Your full email address with included at the end (this will vary based on your location. Maybe or something else).
- Password: Your Road Runner webmail password.
- Server: (this will vary based on your location check here for a list).
- Port: 110
- Security type: None
Once done, tap/select next. After which, you need to now input the information for the outgoing server. The instructions below walk you through this:
RoadRunner Mail Settings: Outgoing Server Settings
- Server: (domain varies based on location check here for a list).
- Port: 587 (May also be 25)
- Security type: None
- Require sign-in: Check
- Username: (domain varies based on location)
- Password: Your RoadRunner email password.
Once complete, tap next and next once more. It then asks you to choose a name. The name you enter here is the name that recipients of emails you send via your Android will see. Note, this name does not show up when sending emails via webmail. Tap next when you have finished typing your name.
If for some reason the above servers do not work for you, you can use the following instead:
- Incoming server:
- Outgoing server:
Also, for those wanting to set up their RR account via webmail, do the following. Go to You ought to see the following on the page that appears:
Webmail Sign In
Email Address —————————
Password ——————-
Simply input your RoadRunner Webmail address and the password. Once complete, click/tap login. You can manage your road runner emails this way easily: receive, send, delete, etc. However, you need to manually check for incoming email.
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